2021 Leaf Pick Up Schedule
Town of Leo-Cedarville - 2021 Fall Leaf Collection
The following is information regarding the Town of Leo-Cedarville’s 2
21 Fall Leaf Collection. This year we will provide three options for residents. Please review the options below to understand the timing and which option works best for you. OPTION 1 - Ringenberg Garden Haus Located 3 miles north of the 4-way stop at State Road 1 and Hosler/Grabill Road
Accepting leaves and grass clippings by appointment only
Call 466-6423, or 489-4614 to schedule an appointment
Please follow their signs and directions; remove yard waste from bags
OPTION 2 – Schwartz Road Recycling Center Leaf Drop Off Pile Located just south of Grabill Road on the east side of Schwartz Road.
This year the Town is providing a leaf collection pile for leaves only.
Grass sticks and other debris cannot be intermingled with the leaf pile.
Leaves cannot be placed in the pile in plastic/paper bags or other containers and all trash must be carried away from the leaf pile site.
The Recycling Center gate will be open from October 18th through December 10th. Citizens of the Town may take their leaves to the leaf collection pile at their own convenience anytime during this period.
OPTION 3 – Curbside Leaf Collection Beginning November 1, 2021, until December 6, 2021 - weather permitting
The Town is providing curbside leaf collection for leaves only.
Grass sticks and other debris cannot be collected with this equipment.
For efficient equal coverage, the Town must adhere to a systematic designated town-wide pick-up schedule.
Inclement weather (snow/ice/storm) or a mechanical failure may cause changes to the schedule. Employees will do their best to maintain the schedule.
All leaves need to be placed in the curb area, no more than five (5’) feet from the curb by 6 a.m. of the first day of you scheduled collection date. If leaves are placed more than five (5’) feet from the curb or piled after 6:00 a.m. of the collection date for your area, no pick-up will occur. Town employees will not re-route to provide collection service for leavers not available when collection is completed in your area.
All areas of town will be collected three times during the pick-up season.
Leaves should not be piled around cars, poles, mailboxes, or other obstructions that will impede leaf collection equipment.
Curbside Leaf Collection Schedule
SECTION 1 – Week of November 1st – November 5th, November 15th –November 19th, and November 29th -December 3rd.
South of Riverdale Road and west of the River to the Town limits of State Road One and Union Chapel. This covers Old Cedarville and part of the Schwartz addition including the following streets: Cedar, Clay, Cherry, Pearl, Ewing, Elsworth, St. Joseph, Walnut (Cedarville), Washington, Main (Cedarville), Black, Manning (Cedarville), Lakeview, Gerig Road and Riverdale Road. Includes the area South and West of Cedar Creek along State Road One.
SECTION 2 – Week of November 1st – November 5th, November 15th –November 19th, and November 29th -December 3rd.
Area East of the river, covering Witmer Park, Brighton Park, Tonner Lake Additions, and the following roads: Grabill Road, Shoreline, Sunnyside, Alta Vista, Rio Vista, Michael, Marsha, Reservoir, Key, Markham, Ridgecrest Drive, Ridgecrest Court, Brent Court, and Sauder.
SECTION 3 – Week of November 8th – November 12th, November 22nd –November 26th, and December 6th -December 10th
North of Riverdale Road, East of State Road One and Amstutz Road and West of the River to the North Town Limits. Includes the following roads: Riverview, Ivans, Elvina, Stuckey, Wayne, the section of Hosler East of Amstutz Road, Main Street (Leo), Mildred, James, Donald, Beulah, Walnut (Leo), Leo, Manning, Center, North Leo Drive, Birky, Lochner, Schlatter, and State Road One from Stuckey Ln. to Town Limits.
SECTION 4 – Week of November 8th – November 12th, November 22nd –November 26th, and December 6th -December 10th
Area North of Gerig Road, West of State Road One and Amstutz Road. This includes Lakeshore Drive, Pioneer Village, Lionsgate, Metea Valley, Homestead Ridge, Multirose, Dunlap, Cedar Creek Crossing and Wilderness Creek Subdivisions. Also includes Hosler Road West of Amstutz to Halter Road.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the capability of the Town’s leaf equipment, leaves located farther than five (5’) feet from the curb WILL NOT be picked up.