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Bulk Trash Pickup Oct 18th


Updated: Oct 17, 2023


Republic Services will be conducting the second bulk clean-up for this year on Wednesday, October 18th 2023 Please follow the following guidelines:

Do: Bag small items to prevent windblown debris; Do: Wrap broken mirrors or class in cardboard, taped shut and labeled “GLASS” Do: Large Bulk Items allowed, such as furniture and Non-freon appliances. Do: Construction Debris allowed in SMALL QUANTITIES as follows: Bundle securely in no longer than 4’ lengths, no more than 40 pounds Carpet and Padding rolled and tied in 4’ lengths no more than 40 pounds Empty latex paint cans with no lid, and absorbent (dirt or kitty litter) added

Don’t: No grass clippings, limbs, leaves or other yard waste Don’t: No dirt, rock, brick or cement Don’t: No appliances with Freon Don’t: No tires Don’t: No electronics, including no televisions, no computers, no computer monitors, No telephones, no copy machines, no electronic games Don’t: No animal or human remains Don’t: No large metal pieces Don’t: No hazardous chemicals, medical, or infectious waste Don’t: No oil-based paints or flammable items Don’t: No pesticides or bug sprays Don’t: No automotive parts

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